Connecting Public Servants with the Community

Emphasizing Civic Engagement

The North Precinct’s open, flexible spaces will feature opportunities for education and gatherings used both by the police and local community groups.

The building’s modern aesthetic will establish a clear architectural expression for the entire campus. Metal panels clad the various building volumes in a unique geometry inspired by the officers’ protective uniforms. Responding to different light and air conditions on every side, this intriguing façade ensures the officers’ safety and privacy while animating the interiors with shadow-play throughout the day.

Bringing Daylight In

A two story, daylit central atrium at the heart of the building serves as the main circulation route within the building and is the primary gathering space for officers in the building. This area is where the patrol officers write up their reports, meet with command staff, and gather for celebrations and roll-call. Glass walls allow daylight to be shared with office and operational program areas adjacent to the atrium.

Inviting the Community In

A dramatic, transparent lobby invites daylight and creates views to the surrounding neighborhood. It meets a generous entry plaza on the northwest corner, encouraging pedestrians and those arriving by transit to come into the space. A more expansive plaza to the south connects to public parking and lets the neighborhood know this venue is theirs to enjoy for large community gatherings.