A History of Care
As one of 22 hospitals located in North America and Mexico, the Honolulu Hospital is the second oldest, established in 1923. Since that time, the Hospital has provided free orthopedic health care services to over 23,000 children from Hawaii and 17 other countries located in the Pacific Basin.In 2004, SRG was retained to study the existing facility and its programs, and make recommendations for its future. The existing Hospital, constructed in 1965, was operating well beyond its expected service life, lacked adequate space for families and was suffering from multiple code deficiencies. SRG created multiple options for both renovation and replacement to extend its life well into the future. In early 2007, the Shriners National Board of Trustees approved the replacement of the hospital. The project was completed in 3 separate phases of construction, to allow for ongoing hospital operations which included the use of a mobile surgical suite. The replacement project was completed in early 2011 and included 3 separate, but connected buildings including the 24-bed orthopedic hospital, an administrative/conference center and a patient therapy/family housing facility.”